
  1. Linear programming
    1. Solving an LP problem expressed in coefficient format
    2. Solving an LP problem expressed in matrix format
    3. Solving an LP problem with bounded and free variables expressed in coefficient format
    4. Solving an LP problem with bounded and free variables expressed in matrix format
    5. Solving an LP problem expressed in textual format
    6. Solving an LP problem with bounded and free variables expressed in textual format
    7. Solving an LP problem expressed in sparse format
    8. Solving an LP problem in coefficient format stored in a text file
    9. Solving an LP problem in sparse format stored in a database
    10. Solving an LP problem to obtain only a feasible solution
    11. Solving an LP problem in textual format stored in a text file
    12. Solving an LP problem in sparse format stored in a text file
    13. Solving an LP problem and modifying the tolerance ε relative to the objective function value at the end of phase 1 of the simplex
    14. Solving an LP problem using a parallel implementation of the simplex
  2. Linear programming integer, mixed integer and binary
    1. Solving an MILP problem in coefficient format
    2. Solving an MILP problem in matrix format
    3. Solving an MILP problem in sparse format
    4. Solving an MILP problem in coefficient format with binary variables
    5. Solving an MILP problem in matrix format with binary variables
    6. Solving an MILP problem in sparse format with binary variables
    7. Solving an MILP problem in textual format
    8. Solving an MILP problem and comparing the optimal solution with that obtained from its relaxation
    9. Solving an MILP problem and comparing the value taken by the LHS part of each constraint with its corresponding RHS value
    10. Solving an MILP problem that presents semi-continuous variables
    11. Solving an MILP problem in matrix format that presents semi-continuous variables
    12. Solving an MILP problem in sparse format that presents semi-continuous variables
    13. Solving an MILP problem using multiple threads (parallel B&B)
    14. Solving an MILP problem to obtain a feasible solution

Example 1.1

Consider the following LP problem:

	 max  X1 +   3X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥-1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 +   3X2 = 5
   	 with X1, X2 ≥ 0

To solve this problem with SSC, it is sufficient to create text where each line represents either the objective function or a constraint, while the columns represent the coefficients of the variables, the relationships, and the RHS values [lines 14-17 of the code below]. This representation is referred to as coefficient format.

Once the problem is formulated, it is necessary to specify its input format. By input format, we mean a statement that describes how the columns in the text where the problem is formulated should be read and interpreted [lines 14-17]. The definition of the input format is done through a string to be passed as an argument to the setInputFormat() method [line 21]; in this string, the column names and types are specified sequentially using the notation "column name: column type". Ultimately, the names of the first two columns representing the LP problem variables (in this case X1 and X2, of type double), the column for relationships (called TYPE and of type string with a length of 3 characters), and the column for RHS values (called RHS and of type double) are declared. The names assigned to the LP problem variables can be arbitrary, while the column for relationships and the column for RHS values must necessarily be named TYPE and RHS [line 21].

Usually, variables can be named arbitrarily, even with names not necessarily followed by a number, for example: "FUEL:double, AMOUNT:double, WEIGHT:double," etc. However, it is usually preferable to declare the n variables of a problem using a different notation, called interval notation, which is particularly useful if the variables of the problem are dozens or hundreds. In this case, the declaration "X1:double, X2:double, X3:double, .... , Xn:double" of n variables can be replaced with the notation "X1-Xn:double". This second notation, certainly more compact, allows declaring all the variables included in the range from X1 to Xn.

Once the problem is represented and variable names are assigned, the simplex algorithm is executed by creating an object of the LP class and invoking the resolve() method [lines 23-24]. After executing the simplex algorithm, the resolve() method returns the type of solution found; if the solution is optimal, it is possible to obtain the values of the variables and the optimal value of the objective function. It is worth noting that in SSC, by default, the variables of an LP problem are considered non-negative (≥ 0) unless otherwise specified.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		String lp_string = 
			                " 1    3    max      .    \n" +  
			                " 1    1    ge      -1    \n" +	  
			                " 1  1.4    le       6    \n" +  
			                "-5    3    eq       5";

		InputString lp_input = new InputString(lp_string); 
		lp_input.setInputFormat("X1:double, X2:double, TYPE:varstring(3), RHS:double"); 

		LP lp = new LP(lp_input); 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);

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Example 1.2

Consider the LP problem reported in the previous example and given by:

	 max  X1 +   3X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥-1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 +   3X2 = 5
   	 with X1, X2 ≥ 0

The previous example problem can also be expressed through the use of vectors and matrices. The representation format used is similar to that of simplex solver Apache. In this case it is necessary to define the matrix A of coefficients, the vector c of the coefficients of o.f. and the vector b of the RHS values.

Defined such entities [lines 18-23] you create a LinearObjectiveFunction object [line 27] which represents the objective function and Constraint objects [line 31] that represent the constraints. The type of constraint (LE, GE, EQ) is specified through the elements of the vector of the rel relations [line 25]. Finally, the list of constraints and the objective function are enough parameters to instantiate an object of class LP [line 34].

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Example {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		double A[][]={ 
				{ 1.0 , 1.0 },
				{ 1.0 , 1.4 },
				{-5.0 , 3.0 } } ;
		double b[]= {-1.0, 6.0 ,5.0 };
		double c[]= { 1.0, 3.0  };	

		ConsType[] rel= {ConsType.GE, ConsType.LE, ConsType.EQ};

		LinearObjectiveFunction fo = new LinearObjectiveFunction(c, GoalType.MAX);

		ArrayList< Constraint > constraints = new ArrayList< Constraint >();
		for(int i=0; i < A.length; i++) {
			constraints.add(new Constraint(A[i], rel[i], b[i]));

		LP lp = new LP(fo,constraints); 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();

		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);

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Example 1.3

Consider the following LP problem:

	 max  X1 +   3X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥ 1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 +   3X2 = 5
   	 con -1 ≤ X1 ≤ +1
   	     -∞ ≤ X2 ≤ +∞  

In this example, variable X1 is bounded both from below (not from zero) and from above. In representing the problem using the coefficient format, to define a variable with such limits, it suffices to add a line for the upper bound and one for the lower bound [lines 16-17]. For the variable X2 (a variable without limits), it is enough to specify a lower bound and an undefined upper bound (represented by ".").

It is important to underline that to set free variables or variables that can assume a negative range, it is sufficient to set an undefined (.) or negative lower bound, or a negative upper bound. Conversely, introducing a constraint like "1 0 ge -1 \n" (a constraint of type ≥) does not determine that the variable becomes free, but only binds the problem to satisfy such condition; a condition that cannot be fully evaluated (allowing the variable to take negative values) unless the variable is actually made free. To make it free, only the notation of upper and lower bounds should be used. In this example, both X1 and X2 are variables that can take negative values.

Finally, when printing the solution, it is possible to retrieve for each variable the upper and lower bounds previously set during the formulation of the problem [line 29].

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;
public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String lp_string = 
                            " 1    3    max      .    \n" + 
                            " 1    1    ge       1    \n" + 
                            " 1  1.4    le       6    \n" +
                            "-5    3    eq       5    \n" + 
                            " 1    .    upper    .    \n" +
                            "-1    .    lower    .    \n" ; 
        InputString lp_input = new InputString(lp_string); 
        lp_input.setInputFormat("X1-X2:double, TYPE:varstring(8), RHS:double"); 
        LP lp = new LP(lp_input); 
        SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
        if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) {
            Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
            for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
                SscLogger.log("Variable "+var.getName() +": "+var.getLower() + " <= ["+var.getValue()+"] <= "+var.getUpper());
            SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);		

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Example 1.4

Consider the following LP problem reported in the previous example:

	 max  X1 +   3X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥ 1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 +   3X2 = 5
   	 with -1 ≤ X1 ≤ +1
   	     -∞ ≤ X2 ≤ +∞  

Let's solve the previous example using the matrix format. In order to represent the variable X1, which is bounded both inferiorly and superiorly, it is necessary to add to the matrix A a line for the upper bounds and one for the lower bounds [lines 21-22]. In the case of the variable X2, or of a free variable without limits, it is sufficient to specify a lower bound and an upper bound indefinite with the value NaN.

Recall that in order to set the free variables, or variables that can assume negative values, must be set a lower bound infinity (-∞) or negative, or an upper bound negative.

It is then necessary to add in the vector of relations [line 27] the constants that declare that the last two lines of the matrix A are relative to the upper and lower bounds (add ConsType.UPPER and ConsType.LOWER). Finally, the size of vector b must also be updated (adding two NaN values) which must be equal to the number of staves of the matrix A.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		double A[][]={ 
				{ 1.0 , 1.0  },
				{ 1.0 , 1.4  },
				{-5.0 , 3.0  },
				{ 1.0 , NaN },
				{-1.0 , NaN }} ;
		double b[]= { 1.0, 6.0 ,5.0, NaN, NaN };
		double c[]= { 1.0, 3.0  };	

		ConsType[] rel= {ConsType.GE, ConsType.LE, ConsType.EQ, ConsType.UPPER, ConsType.LOWER};

		LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(c, GoalType.MAX);

		ArrayList< Constraint > constraints = new ArrayList< Constraint >();
		for(int i=0; i < A.length; i++) {
			constraints.add(new Constraint(A[i], rel[i], b[i]));

		LP lp = new LP(f,constraints); 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();

		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("Value :"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);		

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Example 1.5

Consider the following LP problem:

   	 min  3Y + 2X2 + 4X3 + 7X4 + 8X5
   	      5Y + 2X2       + 3X4        ≥   9
   	      3Y +  X2 +  X3       + 5X5  ≥  12
   	      6Y + 3X2 + 4X3 + 5X4        ≤ 124
   	       Y + 3X2       + 3X4 + 6X5  ≤ 854
   	 con Y, X2, X3, X4, X5 ≥ 0

We want to solve this problem by using another representation: text format. In this format the objective function and the constraints can be expressed by means of equations / inequalities represented inside strings [lines 15-20]. The variables can have any name (they must however start with an alphabetic character followed by alphanumeric characters) and are not case-sensitive (ie x3 and X3 represent the same variable). In this format, however, each constraint and the objective function must be expressed on different lines (you need to insert the new line \n to generate a new line).

One advantage of this format is that if a variable is not present in a constraint this may be omitted, unlike the matrix or format coefficients where it needs to be represented with a coefficient equal to zero.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		String pl_problem = 
		"    min:  3Y  +2x2 +4x3 +7x4 +8X5           \n"+
		"          5Y  +2x2                >= 9  -3X4\n"+
		"          3Y +  X2 +X3       +5X5 >= 12     \n"+
		"          6Y+3.0x2 +4X3           <= 124-5X4\n"+
		"           y + 3x2      +3X4 +6X5 <= 854    \n";
		LP lp = new LP(pl_problem); 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) {
			Solution soluzione=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:soluzione.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value :"+var.getValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);

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Example 1.6

Consider the following LP problem:

   	 min  3Y + 2X2 + 4Z + 7X4 + 8X5
   	      5Y + 2X2       + 3X4        ≥   9
   	      3Y +  X2 +  Z       + 5X5  ≥  12
   	      6Y + 3X2 + 4Z + 5X4        ≤ 124
   	       Y + 3X2       + 3X4 + 6X5  ≤ 854
   	 con Y, X4, X5 ≥ 0
   	    -1 ≤ X2 ≤ +6
   	    -∞ ≤ Z ≤ +∞     

We want to solve this problem using the textual format again. This problem is analogous to the previous one, with the only addition of upper and lower bounds. Furthermore, the text format can be expressed not only by inserting the problem statement into a string (as in the previous example) but also by inserting the problem lines into an ArrayList. In text format, to define the upper and lower bounds, it is necessary to add a line for each variable to be bounded [lines 15-16].
We remind that to make a variable free or a variable that can take values in a negative range, it is necessary to set an -infinity (+ infinity or - infinity are represented by "." in the text format) or negative lower bound, or a negative upper bound (see example 1.3). In the text format, declarations like those in line [15-16] allow the variable to take negative values.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ArrayList< String > constraints = new ArrayList< String >();
		constraints.add("min:  3Y +2x2   +4Z +7x4 +8X5 ");
		constraints.add("      5Y +2x2       +3X4      >= 9");
		constraints.add("      3Y + X2   + Z       +5X5 >= 12");
		constraints.add("      6Y +3.0x2 +4Z +5X4      <= 124");
		constraints.add("       Y +3x2       +3X4 +6X5 <= 854");
		constraints.add("-1<=  x2 <= 6");
		constraints.add(". <=  z  <= .");
		LP lp = new LP(constraints); 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) {
			Solution soluzione=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:soluzione.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable Name :"+var.getName() + " value :"+var.getValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);


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Example 1.7

Consider the following LP problem reported in Example 1.4:

	 max  X1 +   3X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥ 1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 +   3X2 = 5
   	 with -1 ≤ X1 ≤ +1
   	     -∞ ≤ X2 ≤ +∞  

Example 1.4 can be represented with a fourth format called "sparse" [lines 17-40]. Each entity (variable name, variable coefficient, RHS value) present in an expression of the type EQ, LE, GE, UPPER, LOWER, MAX, MIN, in this format has an associated name (name of the line). This name is initially declared in the ROW_ column with an associated TYPE to indicate its type [lines 17-22]. The TYPE column can take only one of the following values: EQ, LE, GE, UPPER, LOWER, MAX, MIN.

Then they declare variables of the problem through the COL_ column. In addition to variables, in COL_ it must also represented the marker values of rhs. If the variable names can be any, the marker of rhs values must be expressed necessarily with the RHS notation. The definition of the coefficient that each variable takes on each line is done by setting, for each combination ROW_ and COL_, its value in the COEF column. Defined the problem must be held in the reading format [line 44] the name and type of the four entities required by this format: TYPE, COL_, ROW_ and COEF.

To be able to instantiate an LP object with this format, the FormatType.SPARSE constant must be passed as an argument to inform the LP object of the type of format used [line 46]. This format is particularly suitable for picking up problems in database tables, since the structure of the requested table is always the same: it is sufficient that this defines the columns TYPE, COL_, ROW_ and COEF.

Finally, it should be remembered that the values of the TYPE and COL_ column can be expressed both in uppercase and in lowercase; in both cases they will be returned to the upper case; while for the column ROW_ expressing the name of a line simultaneously in lower case and in upper case, within the same formulation, means to declare two different names (and therefore two staves).

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		String lp_sparse = 
			//    TYPE   COL_   ROW_    COEF 
				" MAX     .    price      .    \n" +   
                " GE      .    row1       .    \n" +	  
                " LE      .    row2       .    \n" +  
                " EQ      .    row3       .    \n" +
                " UPPER   .    lim_sup    .    \n" +
                " LOWER   .    lim_inf    .    \n" +              
				" .      X1    price      1    \n" +
				" .      X1    row1       1    \n" +	  
		        " .      X1    row2       1    \n" +  
		        " .      X1    row3      -5    \n" +
		        " .      X1    lim_sup    1    \n" +
		        " .      X1    lim_inf   -1    \n" +		       
				" .      X2    price      3    \n" +
				" .      X2    row1       1    \n" +	  
		        " .      X2    row2     1.4    \n" +  
		        " .      X2    row3       3    \n" +
		        " .      X2    lim_sup    .    \n" +
		        " .      X2    lim_inf    .    \n" +	       
				" .      RHS   row1       1    \n" +	  
				" .      RHS   row2       6    \n" +  
				" .      RHS   row3       5    \n"   ;

		InputString lp_input = new InputString(lp_sparse); 
		lp_input.setInputFormat("TYPE:varstring(5), COL_:varstring(3) , ROW_:varstring(7), COEF:double"); 

		LP lp = new LP(lp_input,FormatType.SPARSE); 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) {    
			Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);		

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Example 1.8

Consider the following LP problem:

   	 min  3Y1 +  Y2 + 4Y3 + 7Y4 + 8Y5
   	      5Y1 + 2Y2       + 3Y4        ≥   9
   	      3Y1 +  Y2 +  Y3       + 5Y5  ≥  12
   	      6Y1 + 3Y2 + 4Y3 + 5Y4        ≤ 124
   	      1Y1 + 3Y2       + 3Y4 + 6Y5  ≤ 854
   	 con Y1, Y4, Y5 ≥ 0
   	     0 ≤ Y2 ≤ +6
   	     1 ≤ Y3 ≤ +∞     

In this case we want to solve the LP problem whose formulation is in a text file (.txt). We call this pl_problem.txt files and use, for the representation of the problem, the format coefficients. In pl_problem.txt files we will have the following content:
3 1 4 7 8 min      . 
5 2 0 3 0 ge       9 
3 1 1 0 5 ge       12
6 3 4 5 0 le       124
1 3 0 3 6 le       854
. 6 . . . upper    . 
0 0 1 0 0 lower    . 

Defined such content SSC should be informed that the problem is contained in a [line 12] file. If you have a significant number of variables (in this case only 5, but it may be many more) they can declare [line 13] with the syntax "Y1-Y5: double", that way you declare 5 different variables (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5) of type double.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputFile;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		InputFile input = new InputFile("c:/dir_pl/pl_problem.txt");
		input.setInputFormat("Y1-Y5:double, TYPE:varstring(10),  RHS:double");

		LP lp=new LP(input);
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) {
			Solution soluzione=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:soluzione.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+soluzione.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);

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Example 1.9

Consider the LP problem in example 1.5:

	 max  X1 +   3X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥ 1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 +   3X2 = 5
   	 with -1 ≤ X1 ≤ +1
   	     -∞ ≤ X2 ≤ +∞  

In this example we want to recover the problem, formulated in the sparse format, from a table of a database (DB) Oracle. Recall that in the sparse format the input for the resolution of a LP problem requires the presence of columns TYPE, ROW_, COL_ and COEF. For which the Orache table that contains the problem must have such columns. We call this table as TAB_PL_PROBLEM, and we create it with the following DDL statement:
  ("TYPE" VARCHAR2(5), 
   "COL_" VARCHAR2(3), 
   "ROW_" VARCHAR2(7), 
   "COEF" FLOAT(126)
Finally, we insert in the table the following records (by null, it means the null value, not the string "null"):

  MAX     null    price      null   
  GE      null    row1       null    
  LE      null    row2       null   
  EQ      null    row3       null   
  UPPER   null    lim_sup    null   
  LOWER   null    lim_inf    null        
  null      X1    price      1   
  null      X1    row1       1    
  null      X1    row2       1   
  null      X1    row3      -5   
  null      X1    lim_sup    1   
  null      X1    lim_inf   -1          
  null      X2    price      3   
  null      X2    row1       1    
  null      X2    row2     1.4   
  null      X2    row3       3   
  null      X2    lim_sup    null   
  null      X2    lim_inf    null         
  null      RHS   row1       1    
  null      RHS   row2       6   
  null      RHS   row3       5   

In order to retrieve the formulation of the problem from a table in a database, you must download the JDBC driver for the database in question, and instantiate an object Connection [lines 41-48]. Once you have a connection to the DB, via the Connection object you can, by SSC, access the DB as if it were a library, or a container of tables. SSC to allocate libraries require that a SSC session is created. A SSC session is the environment in which SSC runs. In the previous examples the creation of a session was not necessary because the LP object creates and uses its own implicit SSC session.

The [line 21] invocation addLibrary allows you to add a library to the current session of the SSC (named "DB_ORACLE") that represents a connection to Oracle DB. After this invocation the addLibrary method returns an object that represents an interface to the container. From this interface we can [line 23] obtain an object of type Input, which refers to "TAB_PL_PROBLEM" table. Once you have this input we can pass it (remember that the data in the table are in Sparse) to the constructor LP [line 24] and run the Simplex.

It 'should be noted that in the constructor of class LP is also passed as an argument [line 24] SSC session created, this in order not to instantiate the object a second LP totally unnecessary session.

import org.ssclab.context.Context;
import org.ssclab.context.Session;
import org.ssclab.library.Library;
import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.Input;
import java.sql.Connection;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Session session = null;
        try {
            session = Context.createNewSession();
            Library lib_ora=session.addLibrary("DB_ORACLE", connOracle());
            Input pl_oracle=lib_ora.getInput("TAB_PL_PROBLEM");
            LP lp = new LP(pl_oracle,session,FormatType.SPARSE); 
            SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
            if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
                Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
                for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
                    SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
                SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue()); 
        finally {
    private static Connection connOracle() throws Exception {
        OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
        String URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@//";
        return ods.getConnection();


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Example 1.10

In the example below shows a simple LP problem. In this example you want to highlight what are the values that the resolve method can return according to the LP problem:

a) The problem admits an optimal solution
b) The problem has no feasible solutions
c) The problem has great Unlimited
d) Reaches the maximum number of possible iterations
e) A feasible solution is returned instead of an optimal solution

If the need is to obtain a feasible solution not necessarily optimal (case e), just invoke the setJustTakeFeasibleSolution () method giving it the value "true" (line 28). This option allows only the first phase of the simplex to be performed and to obtain a first (basic) allowable solution. In this case the value returned by the resolve () method (in case a feasible solution exists) will be SolutionType.FEASIBLE.
The maximum number of iterations can be changed by the analyst [line 27].

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		String lp_string = 
			                "5  4   1    3   max     .   \n" +  
			                "4  3   1    1   ge      2   \n" +	  
			                "1 -2   1   -1   le      2   \n" +	  		
			                "3  2   1  1.4   le      6   \n" +  
			                "9  8   4  1.7   le      7   \n" +  
			                "5  3  -1  2.4   le      9   \n" +  
			                "3 -2  -5    3   le      5      ";

		InputString lp_input = new InputString(lp_string); 
		lp_input.setInputFormat("V1-V4:double, TYPE:varstring(8), RHS:double"); 

		LP lp = new LP(lp_input); 
		SscLogger.log("Numero di iterazioni di default:"+lp.getNumMaxIteration());
		lp.setJustTakeFeasibleSolution(true);  //imposto la ricerca di una soluzione ammissibile , 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
		if(solution_type==SolutionType.FEASIBLE) { 
			Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable  name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value of feasible solution:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else if(solution_type==SolutionType.VUOTUM) {
			SscLogger.log("Phase 1 of the simplex did not find feasible solutions:("+solution_type+")");
		else if(solution_type==SolutionType.ILLIMITATUM) {
			SscLogger.log("The problem has great Unlimited:("+solution_type+")");
		else if(solution_type==SolutionType.MAX_ITERATIUM) {
			SscLogger.log("Max iteration:("+solution_type+")");
		else if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			// this section will never be reached as it has been set
            // setJustTakeFeasibleSolution (true), the simplex can only return feasible solutions


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Example 1.11

In the example below we want to solve the problem already faced in exercise 1.6, with the particularity that the formulation of the problem (using the text format) is stored in a file. We call this file pl_proble.txt. The file mentioned will contain the following content:

min:  3Y +2x2   +4Z +7x4 +8X5 
row1:5Y +2x2       +3X4      >= 9
row2:3Y + X2    +Z      +5X5 >= 12
Vin1:6Y +3.0x2 +4Z +5X4      <= 124
vin2: Y +3x2       +3X4 +6X5 <= 854
-1 <= x2 <= 6
 1 <=  z <= .
Unlike the formulation of example 1.6 in this case we have also associated with each constraint a label (name of the constraint) which is inserted before putting a name followed by two points at each constraint.

import java.nio.file.Paths;
import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

public class Example {
 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        LP lp = new LP(Paths.get("C:\\pl_problem.txt"));
        SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
        if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) {
            Solution soluzione=lp.getSolution();
            for(Variable var:soluzione.getVariables()) {
                SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value :"+var.getValue());
            for(SolutionConstraint sol_constraint: soluzione.getSolutionConstraint()) {
                SscLogger.log("Constraint "+sol_constraint.getName()+" : value="+sol_constraint.getValue() + 
                              "[ "+sol_constraint.getRel()+"  "+sol_constraint.getRhs()+" ]" );
            SscLogger.log("Optimal value:"+soluzione.getOptimumValue());

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Example 1.12

Consider the following LP problem identical to Example 1.9:

	 max  X1 +   3X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥ 1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 +   3X2 = 5
   	 con -1 ≤ X1 ≤ +1
   	     -∞ ≤ X2 ≤ +∞  

In this example we want to recover the problem, formulated in the scattered format, from a text file called sparse_problem.txt containing the following listing:

  MAX     .    costo      .   
  GE      .    row1       .    
  LE      .    row2       .   
  EQ      .    row3       .   
  UPPER   .    lim_sup    .   
  LOWER   .    lim_inf    .        
  .      X1    costo      1   
  .      X1    row1       1    
  .      X1    row2       1   
  .      X1    row3      -5   
  .      X1    lim_sup    1   
  .      X1    lim_inf   -1          
  .      X2    costo      3   
  .      X2    row1       1    
  .      X2    row2     1.4   
  .      X2    row3       3   
  .      X2    lim_sup    .   
  .      X2    lim_inf    .         
  .      RHS   row1       1    
  .      RHS   row2       6   
  .      RHS   row3       5   

It should be noted that the LP class constructor is passed as argument an object of type InputFile that refers to the file containing the problem.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputFile;

public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        InputFile input_sparse = new InputFile("C:/ssc_project/sparse_problem.txt");
       	input_sparse.setInputFormat("TYPE:varstring(5), COL_:varstring(3) , ROW_:varstring(7), COEF:double"); 
        LP lp = new LP(input_sparse,FormatType.SPARSE);  
        SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
        if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
            Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
            for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
                SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
            SscLogger.log("o.f. value :"+solution.getOptimumValue());
        else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);

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Example 1.13

The example below shows an LP problem generated by pseudocausal numbers, with the particularity that the vector b is made to take values of the order of millions of millions. The consequence of working with large numbers may not make the phase 1 of the simplex converge. In this particular case, if the tolerance ε of the optimal value z of the objective function relative to the phase 1 is not modified, the resolution of the problem may not give admissible solutions. In other words, at the end of phase 1, if | z | > ε then the problem does not allow solutions. In this case the tolerance it is increased from 1E-8 (default value) to 1E-5. In other words, if | z | < ε the problem admits solutions.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
public class Example {
    public static void main(String arg[]) throws Exception {
        final int M = 445;  // rows
        final int N = 345;  // cols
        Random random = new Random();
        double[] c = new double[N];
        double[] b = new double[M];
        double[][] A = new double[M][N];
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)      c[j] = (double) (random.nextInt(20));
        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)      b[i] = (double) random.nextInt(100000000);
        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)  A[i][j] = (double) random.nextInt(10);
        LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(c, GoalType.MAX);
        ArrayList< Constraint > constraints = new ArrayList< Constraint >();
        for(int i=0; i < A.length; i++) {
            constraints.add(new Constraint(A[i], ConsType.LE, b[i])); 
        LP lp = new LP(f,constraints);
        SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
        if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
            Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
            for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
                SscLogger.log("Variable :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
            SscLogger.log("Value o.f. :"+solution.getOptimumValue());  
        else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution. Tipo di soluzione:"+solution_type);

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Esempio 1.14

Consider the following LP problem:

	 max  X1 +   3X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥-1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 +   3X2 = 5
   	 con X1, X2 ≥ 0

To solve this problem (identical to problem 1.1) with an implementation of the parallel simplex, we must add the instruction present in line 24. With this instruction we specify the number of threads to be used to execute an instance of the parallel simplex (in this case 4). Among the selectable values there is also the value LPThreadsNumber.AUTO, with which the number of threads to be used to execute the parallel simplex is delegated to the system. It should be remembered that advantages on the time of execution of the method are obtained with at least 4 or more physical cores.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		String lp_string = 
			                " 1    3    max      .    \n" +  
			                " 1    1    ge      -1    \n" +	  
			                " 1  1.4    le       6    \n" +  
			                "-5    3    eq       5";

		InputString lp_input = new InputString(lp_string); 
		lp_input.setInputFormat("X1-X2:double,  TYPE:varstring(3), RHS:double"); 

		LP lp = new LP(lp_input); 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("optimal value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("Not optimal solution:"+solution_type);

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Example 2.1

Consider the following problem of mixed integer linear programming (MILP) :

   	 min  3X1 +  X2 + 4X3 + 7X4 + 8X5
   	      5X1 + 2X2       + 3X4        ≤   9
   	      3X1 +  X2 +  X3       + 5X5  ≥  12
   	      6X1 + 3X2 + 4X3 + 5X4        ≥ 124
   	      1X1 + 3X2       + 3X4 + 6X5  ≥ 854
   	 con X2, X3, X4, X5  ∈ ℤ 
   	     1 ≤ X2 ≤ +6
   	     1 ≤ X3 ≤ +∞     
   	     X1, X4, X5 ≥ 0

This issue presents the variables X2, X3, X4, X5 integer, while the X1 variable is not. In SSC to resolve a MILP problem simply must introduce an additional line in format coefficients [line 20] to declare integer variables. Placing 1 on the line of the "integer" the variable is declared as a integer .

Another difference is that in this case must instantiate the object MILP [line 25] and not the LP object.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		String milp_string=
						"3 1 4 7 8 min      . "  +"\n"+
						"5 2 0 3 0 le       9 "  +"\n"+
						"3 1 1 0 5 ge       12"  +"\n"+
						"6 3 4 5 0 ge       124" +"\n"+
						"1 3 0 3 6 ge       854" +"\n"+
						"0 1 1 0 0 lower    . "  +"\n"+
						". 6 . . . upper    . "  +"\n"+
						"0 1 1 1 1 integer  . "  +"\n" ;  

		InputString milp_input = new InputString(milp_string);
		milp_input.setInputFormat("X1-X5:double, TYPE:varstring(20),  RHS:double");

		MILP milp=new MILP(milp_input);
		SolutionType solution_type= milp.resolve();

		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=milp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);

Example 2.2

Consider the following problem MILP given by:

	 max  X1 + 3.0X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥ 1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 + 3.0X2 ≤ 5
   	 con  X1, X2 ≥ 0
   	      X1, X2 ∈ ℤ 

We want to solve this problem of integer linear programming using the matrix notation. To do this just add to the matrix of the coefficients a line to express what are the integer variables [line 21]. With the value 1 is declared integer variable, with 0 it is considered non-integer. Should also be declared to SSC that further added to line A is not related to constraints GE , LE, EQ, but the declaration of integer variables; this is accomplished by adding to the vector expressing the type of constraint rel[] the ConsType.INT value [line 26]. Finally it should be added to the vector b to a NaN value [line 23], to adapt the size of A with that of b as the size of b must coincide with the number of lines of the matrix A.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		double A[][]={ 
				{ 1.0 , 1.0 },
				{ 1.0 , 1.4 },
				{-5.0 , 3.0 }, 
				{ 1.0 , 1.0 },  //rigo della matrice per la definizione degli integer
				} ;
		double b[]= { 1.0, 6.0 ,5.0, NaN};
		double c[]= { 1.0, 3.0  };	

		ConsType[] rel= {ConsType.GE, ConsType.LE, ConsType.LE, ConsType.INT};

		LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(c, GoalType.MAX);

		ArrayList< Constraint > constraints = new ArrayList< Constraint >();
		for(int i=0; i < A.length; i++) {
			constraints.add(new Constraint(A[i], rel[i], b[i]));

		MILP lp = new MILP(f,constraints); 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();

		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);		

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Example 2.3

Consider the following MILP problem :

	 max  Y1 + 3.0Y2
	      Y1 +    Y2 ≥ 1
   	      Y1 + 1.4Y2 ≤ 6
   	    -5Y1 + 3.0Y2 = 5
   	 with  Y2 ∈ ℤ
   	     -1 ≤ Y1 ≤ +1
   	     -∞ ≤ Y2 ≤ +∞  

We want to solve this problem of linear programming using the integer mixed sparse notation. To indicate that the variable Y2 is integer just add in the column of ROW_ a value to indicate what will be the marker that defines them. This marker (which we call "var_int", but may have any other name) must have an associated type INTEGER TYPE [line 23].

Once declared the marker of integer variables,, just declare [line 38] that the Y2 variable is var_int (ie INTEGER) placing in the column of COEF the value 1. If, however, a variable is not integer you must set the COEF column with 0 or, more briefly, neglecting the declaration. In fact, in the following formulation, Y1 variable is not integer and therefore it is not necessary to make the lack of association between the variable and the marker var_int placing the value 0 in COEF.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		String lp_sparse = 
			//    TYPE   COL_   ROW_    COEF 
				" MAX     .    costo      .    \n" +   
                " GE      .    row1       .    \n" +	  
                " LE      .    row2       .    \n" +  
                " EQ      .    row3       .    \n" +
                " UPPER   .    lim_sup    .    \n" +
                " LOWER   .    lim_inf    .    \n" +    
                " INTEGER .    var_int    .    \n" +  
				" .      Y1    costo      1    \n" +
				" .      Y1    row1       1    \n" +	  
		        " .      Y1    row2       1    \n" +  
		        " .      Y1    row3      -5    \n" +
		        " .      Y1    lim_sup    1    \n" +
		        " .      Y1    lim_inf   -1    \n" +		       
				" .      Y2    costo      3    \n" +
				" .      Y2    row1       1    \n" +	  
		        " .      Y2    row2     1.4    \n" +  
		        " .      Y2    row3       3    \n" +
		        " .      Y2    lim_sup    .    \n" +
		        " .      Y2    lim_inf    .    \n" +	
		        " .      Y2    var_int    1    \n" +
				" .     RHS    row1       1    \n" +	  
				" .     RHS    row2       6    \n" +  
				" .     RHS    row3       5    \n"   ;

		InputString lp_input = new InputString(lp_sparse); 
		lp_input.setInputFormat("TYPE:varstring(7), COL_:varstring(3) , ROW_:varstring(7), COEF:double"); 

		MILP lp = new MILP(lp_input,FormatType.SPARSE); 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);

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Example 2.4

Consider the following problem of mixed integer linear programming (MILP) with some binary variables:

   	 min  3K1 +  K2 + 4K3 + 7K4 + 8K5
   	      5K1 + 2K2       + 3K4        ≤   9
   	      3K1 +  K2 +  K3       + 5K5  ≥  12
   	      6K1 + 3K2 + 4K3 + 5K4        ≥ 124
   	      1K1 + 3K2       + 3K4 + 6K5  ≥ 854 
   	 with K2, K5 ∈ ℤ 
   	     K1, K4 ∈ {0,1}
   	     1 ≤ K2 ≤ +6
   	     1 ≤ K3 ≤ +∞     
   	     con K1, K4, K5 ≥ 0

This problem has integer variables, and binary. while K3 variable is not subject to any constraint of entirety. To declare a binary variable simply add a line with TYPE "binary" [line 22]. If the i-th variable is binary just put one in the corresponding line of the binary. It is recalled that a variable can not be simultaneously both binary that integer. In our case the variables K1 and K4 are binary while K2 and K5 variables are integer.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;

public class Example {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		String milp_string=

						"3 1 4 7 8 min      . "  +"\n"+
						"5 2 0 3 0 le       9 "  +"\n"+
						"3 1 1 0 5 ge       12"  +"\n"+
						"6 3 4 5 0 ge       124" +"\n"+
						"1 3 0 3 6 ge       854" +"\n"+
						"0 1 1 0 0 lower    . "  +"\n"+
						". 6 . . . upper    . "  +"\n"+
						"0 1 0 0 1 integer  . "  +"\n"+
						"1 0 0 1 0 binary   . "  +"\n";  

		InputString milp_input = new InputString(milp_string);
		milp_input.setInputFormat("K1-K5:double, TYPE:varstring(20),  RHS:double");

		MILP milp=new MILP(milp_input);
		SolutionType solution_type= milp.resolve();

		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=milp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);


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Example 2.5

Consider the following MILP problem given by:

	 max  X1 + 3.0X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥ 1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 + 3.0X2 ≤ 5
   	 with  X1, X2 ≥ 0
   	      X1 ∈ ℤ 
   	      X2 ∈ {0,1}

We want to solve this problem of integer linear programming, which also has binary variables, using the matrix notation. In this notation, to represent the binary variables, just add to the matrix of the coefficients a line [line 15]. With the value 1 is declared binary variable, with 0 it is considered non-binary. The ConsType.BIN value [line 20] should also be added to state that the last line of the matrix A is related to the definition of binary variables.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static;  

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		double A[][]={ 
				{ 1.0 , 1.0 },
				{ 1.0 , 1.4 },
				{-5.0 , 3.0 }, 
				{ 1.0 , 0.0 },  //definizione degli integer
				{ 0.0 , 1.0 },  //definizione dei binary
				} ;
		double b[]= { 1.0, 6.0 ,5.0, NaN, NaN};
		double c[]= { 1.0, 3.0  };	

		ConsType[] rel= {ConsType.GE, ConsType.LE, ConsType.LE, ConsType.INT , ConsType.BIN};

		LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(c, GoalType.MAX);

		ArrayList< Constraint > constraints = new ArrayList< Constraint >();
		for(int i=0; i < A.length; i++) {
			constraints.add(new Constraint(A[i], rel[i], b[i]));

		MILP lp = new MILP(f,constraints); 
		SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();

		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);

Back to index

Example 2.6

Consider the following MILP problem

	 max  Y1 + 3.0Y2
	      Y1 +    Y2 ≥ 1
   	      Y1 + 1.4Y2 ≤ 6
   	    -5Y1 + 3.0Y2 ≤ 5
   	 con  Y1 ∈ {0,1}  
   	      Y2 ∈ ℤ
   	      -∞ ≤ Y2 ≤ +∞  

We want to solve this problem of linear programming, which also presents binary variables, using the sparse notation. To indicate that the Y1 variable is binary just add in the ROW_ column the marker that defines. This marker (which we call "var_bin", but may have any other name) must have an associated BINARY type TYPE [line 24].

Once the marker of binary variables, just declare [line 32] that the Y1 variable is var_bin (or BINARY) placing in the column of the value COEF 1.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		String lp_sparse = 
			//    TYPE   COL_   ROW_    COEF 
				" MAX     .    costo      .    \n" +   
                " GE      .    row1       .    \n" +	  
                " LE      .    row2       .    \n" +  
                " LE      .    row3       .    \n" +
                " UPPER   .    lim_sup    .    \n" +
                " LOWER   .    lim_inf    .    \n" +    
                " INTEGER .    var_int    .    \n" + 
                " BINARY  .    var_bin    .    \n" + 
				" .      Y1    costo      1    \n" +
				" .      Y1    row1       1    \n" +	  
		        " .      Y1    row2       1    \n" +  
		        " .      Y1    row3      -5    \n" +
		        " .      Y1    var_bin    1    \n" +	
				" .      Y2    costo      3    \n" +
				" .      Y2    row1       1    \n" +	  
		        " .      Y2    row2     1.4    \n" +  
		        " .      Y2    row3       3    \n" +
		        " .      Y2    lim_sup    .    \n" +
		        " .      Y2    lim_inf    .    \n" +	
		        " .      Y2    var_int    1    \n" +
				" .     RHS    row1       1    \n" +	  
				" .     RHS    row2       6    \n" +  
				" .     RHS    row3       5    \n"   ;

		InputString lp_input = new InputString(lp_sparse); 
		lp_input.setInputFormat("TYPE:varstring(7), COL_:varstring(3) , ROW_:varstring(7), COEF:double"); 

		MILP milp = new MILP(lp_input,FormatType.SPARSE); 
		SolutionType solution_type=milp.resolve();
		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=milp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());

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Example 2.7

Consider the following MILP problem:

   	 min  3X1 +  X2 + 4X3 + 7X4 + 8X5
   	      5X1 + 2X2       + 3X4        ≥    9
   	      3X1 +  X2 +  X3       + 5X5  ≥ 12.5
   	      6X1 + 3X2 + 4X3 + 5X4        ≤  124
   	       X1 + 3X2       + 3X4 + 6X5  ≤  854
   	 with  X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 ≥ 0
   	       X2, X3 ∈ ℤ

We want to solve this mixed integer linear programming problem using a text format. In this format, to add the integer constraint on variables X2 and X3, simply add a line [line 15]. In case binary or semi-continuous variables need to be defined, the syntax is similar to that of integer declaration. Instead of "int", the keywords "bin" or "sec" are used, followed by a comma-separated list of variables. If all variables need to be integer (or binary or semi-continuous), the keyword "ALL" follows the variable type needed ("INT ALL"). Attention! If an "int" instruction has already been defined, other "int" or "bin" or "sec" instructions must each be placed on separate lines.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		String  pl_problem = 
		"min:  3x1 +X2 +4x3 +7x4 +8X5      \n"+
        "      5x1 +2x2 +3X4       >= 9    \n"+
        "      3x1 + X2 +X3 +5X5   >= 12.5 \n"+
        "      6X1+3.0x2 +4X3 +5X4 <= 124  \n"+
        "       X1 + 3x2 +3X4 +6X5 <= 854  \n"+
        " int x2, X3 ";
		MILP milp = new MILP(pl_problem); 
		SolutionType solution_type=milp.resolve();
		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) {
			Solution soluzione=milp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:soluzione.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value :"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+soluzione.getOptimumValue());
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);

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Example 2.8

This example compares the final optimal solution integer with that obtained from its relaxation (the values of relaxed problem are shown in square brackets [46-49 lines])

import org.ssclab.context.exception.InvalidSessionException;
import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import static;

public class Example {
	public static void main(String arg[]) throws InvalidSessionException, Exception {

		double[]   c =  { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ,2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2 ,2 ,2 };
		double[]   b =  {1000, 1234, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000};
		double[][] A ={	{ 2., 9. ,7. ,5. ,9. ,6. ,3., 7., 8. ,7. ,5. ,3. ,1. },
						{ 4. ,1. ,2. ,3. ,6. ,4. ,5. ,2. ,8. ,5. ,3. ,4., 7. },
						{ 3. ,4. ,2. ,5. ,7. ,6. ,3. ,5. ,7. ,4. ,6. ,8. ,6. },
						{ 4. ,6. ,9. ,8. ,7. ,6. ,5. ,4. ,3. ,2. ,3. ,5. ,6. },
						{ 4. ,4. ,7. ,5. ,3. ,8. ,5. ,6. ,3. ,5. ,6. ,4. ,6. },
						{ 2. ,6. ,4. ,5. ,7. ,5. ,6. ,4. ,6. ,7. ,4. ,4. ,6. },
						{ 4. ,6. ,9. ,8. ,3. ,6. ,5. ,5. ,3. ,2. ,9. ,5. ,6. },
						{ 4. ,5. ,7. ,8. ,3. ,8. ,3. ,6. ,3. ,5. ,6. ,1. ,6. },
						{ 2., 2., 4., 3., 7. ,5. ,9. ,4. ,6. ,7. ,8. ,4., 6. }};

		double[] upper ={ 190.5, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN ,NaN ,NaN ,NaN ,35.0 ,NaN ,NaN ,NaN, NaN };
		double[] integer ={ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0, 1.0 };

		LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(c, GoalType.MAX);

		ArrayList< Constraint > constraints = new ArrayList< Constraint >();
		for(int i=0; i< A.length; i++) {
			constraints.add(new Constraint(A[i], ConsType.LE, b[i])); 

		constraints.add(new Constraint(upper,   ConsType.UPPER, NaN)); 
		constraints.add(new Constraint(integer, ConsType.INT , NaN)); 

		MILP milp = new MILP(f,constraints);
		SolutionType solution=milp.resolve();

		if(solution==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution sol=milp.getSolution();
			Solution sol_relax=milp.getRelaxedSolution();
			Variable[] var_int=sol.getVariables();
			Variable[] var_relax=sol_relax.getVariables();
			for(int _i=0; _i< var_int.length;_i++) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var_int[_i].getName() + " value:"+var_int[_i].getValue()+ 
						      " ["+var_relax[_i].getValue()+"]");
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+sol.getOptimumValue() +" ["+sol_relax.getOptimumValue()+"]"); 
		else SscLogger.log("no optimal solution:"+solution_type);

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Example 2.9

Consider the following MILP problem:

   	 min  3X1 +  X2 + 4X3 + 7X4 + 8X5
   	      5X1 + 2X2       + 3X4        ≥    9
   	      3X1 +  X2 +  X3       + 5X5  ≥ 12.5
   	      6X1 + 3X2 + 4X3 + 5X4        ≤  124
   	       X1 + 3X2       + 3X4 + 6X5  ≤  854
   	 con X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 ≥ 0
   	     X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 ∈ ℤ

This problem is similar to problem 2.7. In the code for its resolution, lines have been added to retrieve the value that the left-hand side (LHS) of each constraint (the part to the left of the relation) takes by evaluating the unknown variables with the optimal solution. The LHS value is then compared with the corresponding RHS value [lines 24-27]. It is specified that the quantities LHS and RHS referred to in this specific case, i.e., to retrieve their value (given a linear programming problem AX <=> b), are represented by AX (LHS part) and b (RHS). Therefore, if we include variables on the right side of the inequality/equality sign in the problem definition, these will not be considered as part of the RHS but grouped in the form: AX (LHS part) and b (RHS). Constraints can be named by prefixing a name to the constraint followed by a colon example 1.11).
In this example, all variables have been declared as integers. To declare them all as integers, you can use the notation "int all," or you can use the notation that uses the wildcard character *, which indicates that all variables beginning with a certain prefix are of a certain type (as in the example). Using this notation, you can, for example, use a notation like this: "int XI* \n bin XB*". This way, we declare that variables beginning with "XI" are integers, those beginning with "XB" are binary, and the remaining ones are real.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;

public class Example {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		String pl_problem =
        "min:  3x1 +X2 +4x3 +7x4 +8X5 \n"+
        "constraint1: 5x1 +2x2 +3X4       >= 9\n"+
        "constraint2: 3x1 + X2 +X3 +5X5   >= 12.5\n"+
        "row3: 6X1+3.0x2 +4X3 +5X4 <= 124\n"+
        "X1 + 3x2 +3X4 +6X5 <= 854\n"+
        "int x* ";
		MILP milp = new MILP(pl_problem); 
		SolutionType solution_type=milp.resolve();

		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) {
			Solution soluzione=milp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:soluzione.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value :"+var.getValue());
			for(SolutionConstraint sol_constraint: soluzione.getSolutionConstraint()) {
				SscLogger.log("Contraint: "+sol_constraint.getName()+" : value="+sol_constraint.getValue() + 
						      "[ "+sol_constraint.getRel()+"  "+sol_constraint.getRhs()+" ]" );
			SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+soluzione.getOptimumValue());


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Example 2.10

Consider the following linear programming problem that also has a semi-continuous variable:

   	 min  3K1 +  K2 + 4K3 + 7K4 + 8K5
   	      5K1 + 2K2       + 3K4        ≤   9
   	      3K1 +  K2 +  K3       + 5K5  ≥  12
   	      6K1 + 3K2 + 4K3 + 5K4        ≥ 124
   	      1K1 + 3K2       + 3K4 + 6K5  ≥ 854 
   	 con K2, K5 ∈ ℤ 
   	     K1, K4 ∈ {0,1}
   	     1 ≤ K2 ≤ +6 or K2 =0
   	     1 ≤ K3 ≤ +∞     
   	     con K1, K4, K5 ≥ 0

This problem is identical to the problem 2.4 with the addition of the condition that the variable K2 is semicontinuous, it is not tightly constrained to be between the upper and lower values, but can also assume the value 0.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;

public class Example {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

		String milp_string=

						"3 1 4 7 8 min      . "  +"\n"+
						"5 2 0 3 0 le       9 "  +"\n"+
						"3 1 1 0 5 ge       12"  +"\n"+
						"6 3 4 5 0 ge       124" +"\n"+
						"1 3 0 3 6 ge       854" +"\n"+
						"0 1 1 0 0 lower    . "  +"\n"+
						". 6 . . . upper    . "  +"\n"+
						"0 1 0 0 1 integer  . "  +"\n"+
						"1 0 0 1 0 binary   . "  +"\n"+
                        "0 1 0 0 0 semicont . "  +"\n"; 

		InputString milp_input = new InputString(milp_string);
		milp_input.setInputFormat("K1-K5:double, TYPE:varstring(20),  RHS:double");

		MILP milp=new MILP(milp_input);
		SolutionType solution_type= milp.resolve();

		if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
			Solution solution=milp.getSolution();
			for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
				SscLogger.log("Variable :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
			SscLogger.log("Best value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());


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Example 2.11

Consider the following linear programming problem that also has a semi-continuous variable:

	 max  -X1 + 3.0X2
	      X1 +    X2 ≥ 1
   	      X1 + 1.4X2 ≤ 6
   	    -5X1 + 3.0X2 ≤ 5
   	 con  X1, X2 ≥ 0
   	      X1 ∈ ℤ 
   	      X2 ∈ {0,1}
   	      1 ≤ X1 ≤ 3 oppure X1 =0

We want to solve this problem of integer linear programming, which also features semi-continuous variables, using the matrix notation.

import static;
import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        double A[][]={ 
                { 1.0 , 1.0 },
                { 1.0 , 1.4 },
                {-5.0 , 3.0 }, 
                { 1.0 , 0.0 },  //def. integer
                { 0.0 , 1.0 },  //def.  binary
                { 1.0 , 0.0 },  //def. semicontinuous
                { 3.0 , NaN},  //def. upper
                { 1.0 , 0.0 },  //def. lower
                } ;
        double b[]= { 1.0, 6.0 ,5.0, NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN};
        double c[]= { -1.0, 3.0  };  
        ConsType[] rel= {ConsType.GE, ConsType.LE, ConsType.LE, ConsType.INT, ConsType.BIN,
        		         ConsType.SEMICONT, ConsType.UPPER, ConsType.LOWER};
        LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(c, GoalType.MAX);
        ArrayList< Constraint > constraints = new ArrayList< Constraint >();
        for(int i=0; i < A.length; i++) {
            constraints.add(new Constraint(A[i], rel[i], b[i]));
        MILP lp = new MILP(f,constraints); 
        SolutionType solution_type=lp.resolve();
        if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
            Solution solution=lp.getSolution();
            for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
                SscLogger.log("Variable :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
            SscLogger.log("best value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());


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Example 2.12

Consider the following linear programming problem that also has a semi-continuous variable:

	 max  Y1 - 3.0Y2
	      Y1 +    Y2 ≥ 1
   	      Y1 + 1.4Y2 ≤ 6
   	    -5Y1 + 3.0Y2 ≤ 5
   	 con  Y1 ∈ {0,1}  
   	      Y2 ∈ ℤ
   	   1 ≤ Y2 ≤ +∞  or Y2 = 0

We want to solve this problem of integer linear programming, which also features semi-continuous variables, using the sparse notation.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;
public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String lp_sparse = 
            //    TYPE   COL_   ROW_    COEF 
                " MAX     .    price      .    \n" +   
                " GE      .    row1       .    \n" +      
                " LE      .    row2       .    \n" +  
                " LE      .    row3       .    \n" +
                " UPPER   .    lim_sup    .    \n" +
                " LOWER   .    lim_inf    .    \n" +    
                " INTEGER .    var_int    .    \n" + 
                " BINARY  .    var_bin    .    \n" + 
                " SEMICONT .   var_sc     .    \n" + 
                " .      Y1    price      1    \n" +
                " .      Y1    row1       1    \n" +      
                " .      Y1    row2       1    \n" +  
                " .      Y1    row3      -5    \n" +
                " .      Y1    var_bin    1    \n" +    
                " .      Y2    price     -3    \n" +
                " .      Y2    row1       1    \n" +      
                " .      Y2    row2     1.4    \n" +  
                " .      Y2    row3       3    \n" +
                " .      Y2    lim_sup    .    \n" +
                " .      Y2    lim_inf    1    \n" +    
                " .      Y2    var_int    1    \n" +
                " .      Y2    var_sc     1    \n" +
                " .     RHS    row1       1    \n" +      
                " .     RHS    row2       6    \n" +  
                " .     RHS    row3       5    \n"   ;
        InputString lp_input = new InputString(lp_sparse); 
        lp_input.setInputFormat("TYPE:varstring(8), COL_:varstring(3) , ROW_:varstring(7), COEF:double"); 
        MILP milp = new MILP(lp_input,FormatType.SPARSE);  
        SolutionType solution_type=milp.resolve();
        if(solution_type==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
            Solution solution=milp.getSolution();
            for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
                SscLogger.log("Name variable :"+var.getName() + " value :"+var.getValue());
            SscLogger.log("o.f. value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());


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Example 2.13

Consider the whole linear programming problem reported in the section below. We want to solve this problem by using a parallel B & B implementation. To do this, simply add the instruction to line [39], which declares the number of threads (in this case 4) to be used to execute a parallel B & B.

import org.ssclab.context.exception.InvalidSessionException;
import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import static; 
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Example {
    public static void main(String arg[]) throws InvalidSessionException, Exception {
        double[]   c =  { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 , 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ,2 , 2 };
        double[]   b =  {1000, 1234, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000};
        double[][] A ={ { 2., 9. ,7. ,5. ,9. ,6. ,3., 7., 8. ,7. ,5. ,3. ,1. },
                        { 4. ,1. ,2. ,3. ,6. ,4. ,5. ,2. ,8. ,5. ,3. ,4., 7. },
                        { 3. ,4. ,2. ,5. ,7. ,6. ,3. ,5. ,7. ,4. ,6. ,8. ,6. },
                        { 4. ,6. ,9. ,8. ,7. ,6. ,5. ,4. ,3. ,2. ,3. ,5. ,6. },
                        { 4. ,4. ,7. ,5. ,3. ,8. ,5. ,6. ,3. ,5. ,6. ,4. ,6. },
                        { 2. ,6. ,4. ,5. ,7. ,5. ,6. ,4. ,6. ,7. ,4. ,4. ,6. },
                        { 4. ,6. ,9. ,8. ,3. ,6. ,5. ,5. ,3. ,2. ,9. ,5. ,6. },
                        { 4. ,5. ,7. ,8. ,3. ,8. ,3. ,6. ,3. ,5. ,6. ,1. ,6. },
                        { 2., 2., 4., 3., 7. ,5. ,9. ,4. ,6. ,7. ,8. ,4., 6. }};
        double[] integer ={ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0 ,1.0, 1.0 };
        LinearObjectiveFunction f = new LinearObjectiveFunction(c, GoalType.MAX);
        ArrayList< Constraint > constraints = new ArrayList< Constraint >();
        for(int i=0; i< A.length; i++) {
            constraints.add(new Constraint(A[i], ConsType.LE, b[i])); 
        constraints.add(new Constraint(integer, ConsType.INT , NaN)); 
        MILP milp = new MILP(f,constraints);
        SolutionType solutionType=milp.resolve();
        if(solutionType==SolutionType.OPTIMUM) { 
            Solution solution=milp.getSolution();
            for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
                SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " value:"+var.getValue());
            SscLogger.log("Best value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());


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Esempio 2.14

If the requirement is to obtain a feasible solution that is not necessarily optimal, just invoke the setJustTakeFeasibleSolution () method, passing it the "true" value (line 24). This option allows the B&B to be executed in order to obtain a feasible solution. In this case the value returned by resolve() (if a feasible solution exists) will be SolutionType.FEASIBLE. In our example the integer feasible solution obtained (X1=2,X2=2) has value on o.f. -6, while the optimal solution (X1=3,X2=1) has a value of -7.

import org.ssclab.log.SscLogger;
import org.ssclab.ref.InputString;
public class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String milp_string=
                        "-2 -1   min        ."   +"\n"+
                        "-1 -1   ge        -5"   +"\n"+
                        "1  -1   ge         0"   +"\n"+
                        "-6 -2   ge       -21"   +"\n"+
                        "4   3  upper       ."   +"\n"+
                        "1   1  integer     ."   +"\n" ;  
        InputString milp_input = new InputString(milp_string);
        milp_input.setInputFormat("X1-X2:double, TYPE:varstring(20),  RHS:double");
        MILP milp=new MILP(milp_input);
        SolutionType solution_type= milp.resolve();
        if(solution_type==SolutionType.FEASIBLE) { 
            Solution solution=milp.getSolution();
            for(Variable var:solution.getVariables()) {
                SscLogger.log("Variable name :"+var.getName() + " Value:"+var.getValue());
            SscLogger.log("O.F. Value:"+solution.getOptimumValue());

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